• Health Oceans, Thriving Communities

New England Ocean Action Network


How to teach German online: Ocean topic

The wide blue ocean, which is frequently the source of fascination and awe, is home to a diverse range of animals, including powerful sharks and gentle dolphins. Knowing the correct words to use when snorkeling next to vibrant coral reefs or talking about marine biology can improve your communication with others and the ocean. Teaching German online includes both visual materials about the ocean and the opportunity to practice what you've learned. Online classes are just as effective as offline classes, and you don't have to spend time traveling to a language school.

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Third Ocean Frontiers Film Highlights Ocean Management and the ‘Blue Economy’

The crew that brought us Ocean Frontiers: The Dawn of a New Era in Ocean Stewardship and Ocean Frontiers II: A New England Story for Sustaining the Sea is back with a third installment.… Read the rest

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Northeast Ocean Plan Receives Official Stamp of Approval

Today marks New England’s most anticipated, and undoubtedly most catalytic milestone in ocean planning: the National Ocean Council has approved the Northeast Ocean Plan, the first of its kind in the nation!… Read the rest

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Calendar of Events

May 2, 2017: Stakeholder Forum – Northeast Ocean Plan


May 18: ‘Ocean Frontiers III’ Film Screening


Ocean planning is underway in the Northeast. We are the first region in the nation to have a formal planning body at work on developing a true regional ocean plan. Learn more about the meetings, requests for public comment, and other ways you can get involved as a stakeholder in New England’s ocean future. To fully engage in these initiatives, consider connecting with language tutors online to better understand the specialized terminology and concepts in ocean planning.


The New England Ocean Action Network (NEOAN) is a diverse network of organizations, individuals and industries working together to promote new approaches to ocean management in our region based on collaboration, cooperation and sound science. Join our movement for healthy oceans, good government and thriving coastal communities.


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